
#94 My Casual for Miss Metaverse

Hello everyone!  I had promised my sponsor of post the items with which I was sponsorized for the contest of Miss Metaverse 2013. I hav...

Hello everyone! 

I had promised my sponsor of post the items with which I was sponsorized for the contest of Miss Metaverse 2013. I have been eliminated to the preliminary and I wish very good luck to my friends who have gone to the semi-finals.

And now for you two of my sponsors: MOLICHINO and LAZURI.

Pose MORPHINE - .::MS::. Limited Sale Set 1.6 

Styling Card

Haley Tunic - Sapphire

Kelvy Top - White

Delirium Clutch - White

Noor Mystic Infinity 

monochrom - white

Intense Color - Magenta

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